Happy Friday mis amigos! I heard that the Mexican restaurant, Avagos, started playing Loteria on Thursday nights, so of course, Randall and I had to go check it out. I wrote about Agavos on the blog several months back. Read about their food here.
We got there early, about 5:30 because on Facebook the event is listed 5-7, but the lady that sat us for dinner said we had plenty of time to eat. So we did and it was just as delicious as the last time we went there. They had happy hour on the top-shelf margaritas so we both had one with dinner. It also happened to be national margarita day. When we were done eating they directed us to the back room where the Loteria was held. So we ordered a second margarita and found our seats.
There was only one other person waiting to play. The room was just a private area with 2 rows of tables, chairs, and a tv mounted on the wall in the front. We picked our boards we wanted to play on and grabbed some coffee beans.

To be honest, I've never played Loteria. It just wasn't something we did as kids. I was excited to play because I do sale Loteria graphic tees and love them so much!
It's pretty easy to follow, for non-Spanish speakers too, basically there is someone that calls out a card. In our case, she had an app for that. It was coming up on the tv with a cute kid narrator calling them out very enthusiastically. EL PINO! If you have it on your board then you place a bean on it. It's very similar to Bingo. The normal way to play would be if you got a row of cards you win. Diagonal, straight across, four corners or a square will win too, but the way she had us play was the first to fill their whole board wins. 3 wins total got your a little prize. I'm usually pretty lucky but not this evening. Randall won the first round and then the other player won the rest of the time. When we were about ready to go a few others came in to play, so we played one more round.
It was so much fun! If you live in the Memphis area I highly recommend going to Agavos to play! Or if you would rather stay home and host your own Loteria party. We now offer a Loteria playing set on the site!
Love. Mucho Mucho.