Sister style posts are my new favorite.
Even though there may be some debate on whether Gina and I look related or like sisters I think that these are fun posts to see how similar and different we are. We thought it would be fun to style ShopMucho's cactus shirts for a casual summer day out together downtown close to the park where Gina lives. There are some really nice buildings and beautiful houses near the bluff so we took our photos in some shady spots around there. I'm still working on my blogging skills as well as many other things like photography and modeling when we are out and about so on the next sister blog photo shoot I will bring my tripod so we can actually get shots together.

If you could hear Gina and I talking side by side you no doubt would know we are sisters because we sound exactly the same and a lot of the time we finish each others sentences or even say the exact same thing at the same time.
But, you know that old saying "opposites attract"?
Well, I do believe that to be true. We are pretty different and I know that is why we compliment each other and get along so well. Gina has the dark straight hair, perfect teeth, darker skin, great singing voice, and she is right handed. I have the lighter curly hair, crooked teeth and overbite, paler skin, not so great singing voice, and I am left handed... Personality wise, I'm pretty corny, love Disney and romantic movies and she is a smart-ass and loves scary movies. Gina is very outgoing, always smiling, and making friends. She will talk to anyone and I love that. I'm much more an introvert, glass half empty type, but Gina pushes me to open up and be the me that is usually only comfortable around family and friends I know.
Gina's Wearing: Top-ShopMucho, Shorts-Torrid, Sunglasses-Bonlook, Friendship Bracelet-ShopMucho, Fanny Pack-ShopMucho, Shoes-Toms

She's my big sister. I look up to her and aspire to be like her as I know she does the same for me. I dream big and work hard towards making my dreams a reality and I know Gina looks up to me in those ways. So if you haven't already picked up on what I am putting down. Gina and I are not only sisters we are the best of friends. Sure, we might annoy each other from time to time and we don't always agree on things but we love each other very much and will never get tired of one another.
Angelique's Wearing: Top-ShopMucho, Shorts-ShopMucho, Cuff-Gift from Gina, Friendship Bracelets-ShopMucho, Sunglasses-Boutique in TX, Sandals-ShopMucho.
Fun Fact: Gina and I have matching tattoos. The LOVE. tattoo on my arm and the text heart on the opposite side of that same arm, <3. We got those together. I got it on my left arm and hers on her right arm, of course. It was my first tattoo and Gina's like 6th or 7th. I used to live and go to school in CA and it is what we would always send to each other cause we missed each other so much.